Sunday, 26 September 2010

Skins - Tony (Episode 1)

Tony (Episode 1)

When we are first introduced to Tony, we see him from above. He is wide awake, even before his alarm clock rings, which our class noticed and found very odd. One of the first things we can hear is the ringing of church bells, as the shot zooms out, we can see already that he has an excentric personality by his bed covers, as he gets up and starts his daily routine, we learn alot more about him as a person, he does a workout every morning - this shows that he likes to take care of himself, and takes pride in his appearance, he is also an extremely neat person, we know this as his bed covers were perfectly made even when he was in them, his polo shirts were folded perfectly in his drawer, and his room was just immaculate, which for most teeangers of this age, it would be completely the opposite. Tony seems like quite a crafty person, as he sneaks his sister in every morning by blaring out his music on purpose so his dad comes in his room, that is then a perfect oppurtunity for his sister to sneak up the stairs and into her room, as if she'd never been out, he also manages to lock his dad out of the bathroom by climbing out the window and walking back through the front door. His arrogance is made quite clear aswell, he obviously likes the woman in the house opposite and we see him watching her from his window as she gets dressed in the morning, they both swap looks and smiles, this shows that he is used to attention from girls as he is standing there with no top on, he seems very confident and takes pride in his appearence and he 'checks him self out' in the mirror and smiles, so he is clearly happy with what he looks like. We noticed aswell the book he was reading, Nausea By Jean Paul Sartre, it is a very complex book and not many people of his age would choose it as a book to read for pleasure, this suggests that he could be very intellectual, quite broad minded, so he could have alot of potential, also his room is very plain, and is covered in posters from films, but not the films you would expect, he has posters of old films which not many teenagers would know about.

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